About Us
Congratulations on your upcoming arrival!

I hope you enjoy your Pregnancy Advent Calendar
Wishing you the very best as you await the arrival of your precious bundle of joy!

Hi, I’m Barb Miles, the creator of The Pregnancy Advent Calendar and a mother of five from Boulder, Colorado.
I came up with the idea of an advent calendar for pregnancy when I was expecting my first baby. Like so many women, I was thrilled to be pregnant, and I could hardly wait for the day my baby would be born. Thirty-eight weeks seemed like an eternity.
To help temper my anticipation I would read pregnancy books, and I was amazed to learn just how quickly my little one was growing and developing. Each and every week there was something new, and I was eager to read about it as the weeks ticked by.
It reminded me of the anticipation I felt at Christmas time when I was a little girl, and would get to open one window at a time of an advent calendar as a countdown to the big day! And that’s how The Pregnancy Advent Calendar began.